Chrome Clear Cache Website

Chrome Clear Cache For Site

Have you ever needed to clear your cache for a webpage but don't want to clear your entire cache logging you out of all websites and removing other valuable cached information?

Chrome Clear Cache For Site

Well your in luck because there’s a very easy way to clear cache for one site page without the hassle of wiping your entire browser clean. Just flow the two simple steps detailed below.

If you are however trying to clear your entire Chrome browser cache simply press “Ctrl+Shift+Delete” on Windows or ” Shift+Command+Delete” on a Mac and follow the prompted pop-up widow. 

1. Open Chrome DevTools with “Right Click”

Open up the webpage you want to clear it’s cache for within your Chrome Browser.

Once on the webpage, “Right Click” to open the advanced window menu.

Scroll down to the last option and click “Inspect” – or Ctrl +Shift + I.

Once another window opens at the bottom with that site’s code you are ready to move to step 2.

Chrome Clear Cache For Site Step 1


2. Empty Cache and Hard Reload

With the DevTools panel open, scroll to the top of your browser next to your domain’s URL.

Hold down on the refresh button until a drop down window opens up.

Scroll down to the last option and click “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”.

The webpage you are on will now reload and that webpage’s cache will be cleared.

Chrome Clear Cache For Site Step 2

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